His readings of the first book of preludes, and the first set of images is going to be much, much, much more than soothing pastel background music listening. A descriptive analysis of the preludes book 1 of claude debussy. Maurizio pollinis main qualities as an artist are neither humor nor abundance of keyboard color. Helpful english translations of french terms as well as debussy s performance. Debussy preludes, bk 1 alfred masterwork edition debussy preludes, bk 2 alfred masterwork edition bach 18 short preludes. Bach and chopin, debussys do not follow a strict pattern of key signatures. Publication date 1910 topics preludes, for piano, scores featuring the piano, for 1. Unlike some notable collections of preludes from prior times, such as chopins op.
Chopin, debussy composed twentyfour preludes in two books 1910 and 19. Debussys music virtually defines the transition from lateromantic music to twentieth century modernist music. Debussy preludes, book 1 by claude debussy 18621918. Unlike previous collections of preludes, such as those of j. Im aiming to get through them over the next couple of years, but would like to start with the easiest few and work my way up, while also. Three years exist between the publication of the first and second book, with the former. I thought walter legge had produced both books, but no, geraint evans was responsible for book 1. This paper also includes a brief history of preludes as.
Youll change your opinion, nicko, if you ever hear it played well. Piano preludes book 1 as part of debussy s paris marking the 100th anniversary of the composers death this weekend, building a library is a live discussion between. Order from your preferred classical music cd store arkivmusic. Over the past few decades the way pianists play debussy has changed. Review of cd recording centaur records debussy preludes, bks. Now, these happen to be among the requisites necessary to play debussys preludes in the right frame of. After sonatas by beethoven and chopin, a disc of schumann and magisterial accounts of the two brahms piano concertos comes this recital of debussy centred on the first book of preludes. And if the parties you attend are full of people knowledgeable enough about music, they might have the. This significant compilation of 12 preludes represents debussy s mature writing style and is filled with a great diversity of compositional styles. Pdf debussy preludes, bk 1 alfred masterwork edition. Claude debussys painterly preludes the subtle, elusive quality of debussys twentyfour preludes is captured perfectly by pianist paul jacobs, who plays them with a tolling, belllike sound. Is there a general guide to the difficulty of the debussy preludes. I provide the original scanned version and the filtered, because the filter does some changes smoothening, sharpening borders and some portions of the scan get lost sometimes when they are too small e. Debussy preludes, bk 1 by claude debussy, paperback.
Most pianists play book 2 as though they had to make the best out of a debussy whose creative power had fallen since book 1. The music expresses a vast repertoire of emotions, colors and moods. At one time his music was made to sound bleached and anaemic, but pianists are now ready to show it in much sharper focus. Soyoung choe performs excerpts from debussys preludes, book 1. Dressed in a chic tan turtleneck, untucked, but with a belt clasped around it, arturo benedetti michelangeli sits at the piano in an intimate studio in october, 1978.
Steven osborne has already made a name for himself in french music with a disc of alkan and a profoundly moving performance of messiaens vingt regards. Ivan moravec fell short of sheer apollonian distance and control in his debussy, and yet that is still marvelous. I have one other schirmer debussy piano book and this compilation book was what. The titles are provided at the end of each prelude and left without dedication, with inspiration from impressionist artwork. But presumably it must have drawn attention to his new debussy recording, which neatly fits both books of piano preludes on to a single disc. In french literary circles, the style of this period was known as symbolism, a movement that. The paperback of the complete preludes, books 1 and 2. Book i was written between december 1909 and february 1910, and book ii between the last months of 1912 and early april 19. Complete preludes, books 1 and 2 dover music for piano claude debussy. Each book was written in a matter of months, at an unusually fast pace for debussy. Recorded live during the marion rubin berman 31 piano honors concert april 12, 2012 in necs jordan hall in boston.
Debussy preludes, book 1 download free sheet music. I just heard richard goode perform book i of the debussy preludes about a month ago. Debussy dover music for piano by debussy, claude isbn. He was one of the most important figures in music at the turn of the 20th century.
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